You want your marriage proposal to reflect aspects of your partner’s personality and your relationship, which is why tailor-made proposals are the perfect way to pop the question.
Taking inspiration from her favourite movies is one way to propose in style, as the man who created a fake movie trailer found out – he ended up with the answer he was hoping for! Other romantic ideas include creating a scavenger hunt, proposing using a crossword or even a customised jigsaw puzzle proposal. You’ll find these types of jigsaws online or you could make your own.
Creating a tailor-made proposal doesn’t have to cost the earth; all that’s needed is a bit of creativity and imagination, some effort and perhaps a little help from family and friends to ensure everything goes according to plan. Your partner is sure to be touched at the thought and effort you’ve put in.
Blockbuster movie marriage proposals

If your partner loves the movies, where better to create your own blockbuster proposal?
One man did just that when he told his girlfriend he had to work Saturday night, and sent her off to the cinema with his brother. Little did she know that the movie trailer she was about to see was starring none other than her boyfriend.
The trailer starts and she hears her boyfriend Matt asking her dad for her hand in marriage, then cuts to him driving across town and running through the halls of the cinema, complete with dramatic music playing. The trailer ends as he bursts into the screening and films her live reaction as he pulls her to her feet and asks her to marry him.
If you’re planning on pulling off a similar blockbuster proposal, this man has set the bar pretty high, but it can be done!
Crossword Puzzle marriage proposal

Crafting the perfect crossword proposal is the ideal way to propose to any puzzle addict. It’s quirky, creative and imaginative, but you’ll need a little help from the publication of your choice.
For one couple, a crossword proposal led to a happy ending – Corey Newman popped the question using The Washington Post’s Sunday Crossword Puzzle and his girlfriend was totally taken by surprise!
When you come to think of it, a crossword puzzle is the last place she’ll expect to find a marriage proposal – when she fills in the blanks to reveal ‘Will you marry me?’ she might even take a few minutes to register what’s happening.
Puzzle addicts of all ages will never look at a crossword in the same way again if you contact their favourite newspaper or publication and organise to propose using a crossword puzzle. Just make sure you keep your proposal short and sweet!
Balloon Love notes marriage proposal

Proposing with balloons is fabulously romantic; what woman could resist? Why not add rose petals to each balloon before they’re filled with helium? Then make sure the ring box is inside one of the balloons. The idea is that she pops each balloon in turn, being showered with rose petals and eventually receiving the ring!
Or why not write balloon love notes? A sweet sentiment on paper hidden inside each balloon for her to read as she pops them one by one is a beautiful idea. At the base of the collection of balloons you’ve hidden the ring box; when she finds it, drop to one knee and ask her to spend her life with you.
We think this is one of the sweetest proposal ideas around, and she’s sure to say ‘yes!’ if you create such a romantic marriage proposal.
Hollywood romance marriage proposal

Think about your girlfriend’s favourite movie – perhaps she’s a fan of romantic films like The Notebook, or would love a John Hughes 80’s inspired proposal.
If she’s a horror movie fan, be inspired by her favourite movie and propose at Halloween to create a memorable, bespoke marriage proposal that’s really special!
Why not recreate the scene from Pretty Woman where Richard Gere arrives in the limousine, brandishing a rose? When she comes downstairs, sweep her into your arms and ask her to marry you.
For a really romantic proposal, be inspired by the classic movie ‘When Harry Met Sally.’ Pick a night when she’s at a party or out with friends. Arrive to surprise her with the words ‘When you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.’ This works best on bended knee, ring in hand!
You Complete Me puzzle proposal

The jigsaw puzzle proposal is so sweet, it’s bringing tears to our eyes. Whether you have a creative streak and want to create your own bespoke puzzle, have friends who can help or order a customised puzzle online, this is a really romantic, imaginative way to ask the one you love to marry you.
You’ll find puzzles which spell out the question ‘Will you marry me?’ or other message of your choice when they’re finally completed, or you could throw her off the scent completely with a customised puzzle that only has the question on one piece. Keep this final puzzle piece in your pocket until she’s almost finished the jigsaw and is hunting for it. Then present it to her along with the ring – swoon!
A bespoke jigsaw puzzle is the perfect way to let her know she completes you. For a creative, imaginative way to propose, this is one of the best around.
Hunting For Love marriage proposal

Setting up a scavenger hunt is the perfect way to throw her off the scent of your marriage proposal. Organise a day out with friends in the nearby countryside or woods, or book a scavenger hunt with a company that organises them in an area near you.
You can even create your own romantic scavenger hunt just for two by placing clues in a card or around the house for her to find, leading to the prize at the end – you, down on one knee, proposing with the ring in hand!
Scavenger hunt proposals work best in a park or other open area, but just be careful where you hide the ring; it might be best to keep it close by. Friends and family are the perfect decoys so that she doesn’t suspect what’s going on; if you’re celebrating a special occasion such as a birthday, even better.