Active types might be wondering how they can incorporate sports into a marriage proposal – the good news is that there are loads of ideas out there for anyone wanting to attempt an athletic proposal, and not all of them require you to be an Olympic athlete!
If your partner and you met playing tennis, head for your local club and spell out ‘Marry me?’ on the court in tennis balls! Or why not propose whilst surfing, or on a romantic horse ride in the countryside? You could even propose whilst kayaking or white water rafting, if you’re looking for something really adventurous.
These types of proposals are great for anyone who loves being outdoors; if sport is a huge part of your relationship, why not consider an athletic proposal? For women proposing to men, there are also some great ways to link your proposal to his favourite sport!
Equestrian Marriage Proposal Ideas For Horse Lovers

If your partner is a horse lover, then there are loads of great equestrian ideas that you can use to make your marriage proposal unique and special; all you need is a little imagination!
Why not attach a ‘Marry Me?’ sign to their horse or tack before they head off on a ride? If you’re riding together, choose an exotic location or propose during a romantic ride on the beach at sunset – perfect.
Other creative ways to propose to a horse lover is by braiding the ring into the horse’s mane or renting a suit of armour and asking her to marry you as her knight in shining armour; this is a cute and quirky way to propose. If you live in an area where you can rent a horse-drawn carriage, enjoy a ride around the park or city at dusk and ask her to be your wife.
Catch A Wave And Propose On The Surf

If surfing is your thing, and you and your girl share a love for riding the waves, make your marriage proposal really special by incorporating this aspect of your lives when you ask her to marry you.
If you’re feeling adventurous, you could be inspired by the man who dropped to one knee whilst riding a tandem wakeboard with his girl, before popping the question. For the less adept, a beach proposal early one morning hits the right romantic notes.
One man taped letters spelling out ‘Will you marry me?’ to the bottom of his surfboard. He cleverly arranged for two photographers to show up at the beach, posing as photographers from a surfing blog, who captured the lead up to the proposal and the big moment itself. When he asked his girlfriend what she had done to his board, she turned around to find him kneeling behind the surfboard, holding out the ring. How romantic!
Training for a Marathon? It could be the perfect marriage proposal

Whether you’ve both been training all year for the Marathon or are planning to turn up to support your partner whilst they’re running, proposing at a big event such as a Marathon is a great idea.
If you’re running together, take the ring box in your pocket and wait until you’re part way around the track before dropping to one knee and asking her to marry you. If your girl is running the Marathon and you’re a proud spectator, why not propose by creating a banner with the words, ‘Marry me?’ and her name – she’ll see it as she runs by (hopefully)!
If that seems like too much of a distraction, proposals at the finish line are always a great idea, whether you’re finishing the race together or just waiting with friends and family to congratulate her as she receives her medal. A ring will be the last thing she expects!
Let’s go fly a kite marriage proposal

Whether you already have children or are just heading out for a romantic day as a couple, there’s something incredibly liberating about flying a kite at the park or on open land. It brings out your childlike sense of wonder, which makes it the perfect time to surprise your other half with a proposal!
Proposing using a kite is easy and won’t cost much, so it’s ideal for anyone creative who is also on a tight budget. You could write love notes or your proposal on the tail of the kite, which she’ll read as she unravels it ready to launch it. Or you could pin the words ‘Marry me?’ and her name to the back of the kite so that when it’s up in the air, she’ll see it.
This is a really romantic idea that’s sure to appeal to everyone; you’re practically guaranteed an ecstatic ‘Yes!’ if you propose using a kite!
Ideas for the perfect tennis based proposals

When you think of tennis proposals, you might think of fans shouting out marriage proposals to famous tennis players on court. We’re talking about something a bit different here though.
Whether tennis has played an important role in your relationship or is just a sport your partner loves, why not propose at your local tennis club? Using tennis balls to spell out ‘Marry me?’ on the court is the best way to start any game!
People have even organised flash mobs on tennis courts to propose to the one they love. You could buy a banner at a tennis event in your area, then arrange to sit with a view of it during the match – when she sees the words, ‘Will you marry me?’ she’s guaranteed to be surprised.
A word of warning though; don’t resort to shouting marriage proposals across the court to tennis players you don’t know – we don’t recommend this!
Kayaking under a bridge proposal

One of the most romantic proposals we’ve come across has to be the kayaking under a bridge proposal. There are a few ways you can do this – rent a boat at a nearby lake or park (Hyde Park in London is a great location) and enjoy a romantic afternoon on the water, or try something more energetic and go kayaking with the one you love.!
You need to make sure there’s a bridge, and you’ll also need some creative friends and family to help out! Unleash your creativity and paint white letters on a series of brightly coloured umbrellas. When everyone stands in a line, it spells out ‘Will you marry me?’!
As they spot the message, it’s the perfect time to reach for the ring and attempt to get down on one knee; just make sure you don’t tip the boat, or your proposal will be memorable for all the wrong reasons!