Winter is the most romantic time of year; the snow is falling and everyone is wrapped up warm against the chill. It’s the perfect time of year to propose!
Proposal ideas for winter make the most of cold, snowy days – wrap up warm and propose during a walk in the snow or take to the ice and declare your love for her whilst you try to stay upright; trust us, it’s not as easy as it looks!
For a sweet proposal that’s reminiscent of childhood, why not propose whilst building a snowman? Or for something more elaborate you could jet off to one of the world’s top ski resorts and pop the question on the slopes.
Whichever proposal idea you choose this winter, make sure you’re wrapped up warm; it’s the proposal she should remember, not the nasty cold she caught that day!
Proposing in the snow

The perfect way to tell her you want to marry her is whilst walking in the snow. Granted, it’s best not to attempt this in the middle of a blizzard, but some light snow fall is a great time to wrap up and head out for a romantic walk. Make snow angels and tell her you can see yourself doing this every year with her for the rest of your life. Or take her to your local Christmas market for a surprise and hide the ring at the bottom of a bag of roasted chestnuts.
Walking hand in hand in the snow will set the mood for romance, and proposing on a snowy day will be something she will never forget! Warm up afterwards with a glass of mulled wine in a cosy pub or a trip on the London Eye to see London’s sights covered in fresh snowfall.
Love on ice proposal

If ice skating is something you enjoy doing together, why not propose on the ice? This can be as simple as dropping to one knee at your local open-air ice rink or as complicated as a full-scale production with lights, music and a performance, starring you!
Hire your local ice rink and surprise her with dinner on the ice or take her to an ice show; if you speak to the show’s organisers they might let you be a part of the show and pop the question at the end. This is an especially romantic way to propose if you share a love of ice skating, although it’s also quite a common way of popping the question. You can make this proposal idea your own by personalising it to suit the one you love.
Winter hike proposal

Hiking boots, check. Compass, check. Diamond ring for romantic proposal, check! Proposing on a winter hike is every outdoor enthusiast’s dream; just make sure you choose a stunning backdrop for your proposal.
Head for Bryce Canyon in Utah if colourful snow-covered canyons are your idea of heaven, or set off on one of National Geographic’s 20 Dream Trails. For a proposal to remember, the idea is to pick a gentle hike rather than tackling Mount Everest as you’ll still need energy to ask her to marry you!
The Laugavegurinn Pass in Iceland is a 50 mile trail which includes around 20 stunning waterfalls in the first 7 miles of your hike. You’ll reach the Valley of Thorsmork, which is said to have inspired J.R.R. Tolkien’s descriptions of Middle Earth; where better to get down on one knee and pop the question? The more breath-taking the backdrop, the more romantic your proposal!
Oh-Snow-Special marriage proposal

Everyone loves making a snowman as it’s the perfect excuse to bring out your inner child and have some fun! There are a few snowman proposal videos on the internet which will inspire you for your own proposal, but in case you need any more guidance, here’s how to create an oh-snow-special moment in which to pop the question.
Of course you’ll need snow for this to work, but make sure you’re both wrapped up warm and having fun building your snowman. Send her off to gather twigs or stones for the snowman’s arms and eyes, and whilst she’s gone, slip the ring onto the snowman’s carrot nose. Hopefully, when she comes back, she’ll notice it; that’s the cue for you to get down on one knee and ask her if she’ll do you the honour of becoming your wife. This proposal is sure to melt even the hardest of hearts.
Ski Resort marriage proposal

Heading off on a skiing trip gives you the perfect opportunity to ask for her hand in marriage. What could be more romantic than asking her to marry you whilst riding the ski lift to the top of the mountain?
Another great idea is to organise for resort staff to set up a banner on the slopes; make sure it’s somewhere she will see it either while skiing down the slopes or from the ski lift. In fact, taking the ski lift together and pointing out the banner is sure to bring tears to her eyes!
If you’re not an accomplished skier, falling over on the slopes should be easy; pull her down into the snow with you and ask her to marry you. If you think she’d prefer a cosier location for your proposal, you’ll struggle to find a more romantic location than back at your ski lodge over dinner.