If you’re looking for inspiration, you’ll find plenty of ideas for weird and wacky proposals; try to give yours the personal touch and pick something relevant to you as a couple. From the man who created a Groupon discount to propose to his bride-to-be to geeky proposals inspired by games and TV shows, a wacky proposal shows imagination and effort and is sure to sweep her off her feet.
Filming a medical school style proposal or using a prank with friends to propose to the one you love are certainly unique ways of asking for her hand in marriage, but weird proposals do require time and planning to make sure everything goes right! By using your imagination and drawing inspiration from various sources, you can create a weird, wacky and unique proposal that captures her heart and means she can’t wait to say yes!
Ideas for prank marriage proposals

Prank proposals should be saved for those couples who are really confident in their relationship and know how to gauge their partner’s sense of humour – one step too far and your prank proposal could easily end in tears!
Why not take inspiration from the man whose girlfriend discovered he was about to propose? Instead, he led her on a wild goose chase with a fun night involving three prank proposals, before finally popping the question.
One man even went as far as getting his girlfriend arrested as part of his prank proposal, then proposed to her in the back of the police car! This was part of a local radio station competition to win a £20,000 wedding. This couple had a happy outcome to their prank proposal, but proceed with caution if you’re planning a similar prank; it can take a lot of careful organisation to make sure everything goes to plan!
Groupon marriage proposal idea

When it comes to planning the perfect marriage proposal, a discount deals site might not be the first thing that comes to mind; well, it did for one man! In 2011, Greg contacted Groupon, a site his girlfriend loved, and penned his own deal page titled ‘A Surprise for a Dana from a Greg’, filled with details about the couple and his proposal. Of course, his delighted and surprised girlfriend said yes!
If you want to do something similar, then look to sites such as Groupon and Wowcher – both publish daily deals online. Or keep it local and consider posting in your local paper’s classifieds section. You could even use a magazine or other publication to declare your love.
Using a website which your other half regularly checks for deals is a great idea; who would suspect a thing? This is the perfect way to surprise her with your marriage proposal!
Medical based marriage proposal ideas

If you’re studying to be a doctor, the chances are you’ll need to film lessons and procedures as part of your learning. Why not turn the camera into your perfect proposal accessory and film a medical proposal? One man at medical school in the US did just that, filming a mock birth video where the ‘patient’ gives birth to a variety of objects culminating in a diamond engagement ring. He then drops to one knee and asks his girlfriend to marry him. Aww!
If you want a similar reaction from your fiancée-to-be, and you’re both studying medicine, it’s a good idea to rope in some friends to help you out with filming and props. You could even take things one step further and ask university staff to help you with your proposal; just be sure you know she’ll say yes if you plan to get down on one knee in front of a crowded lecture theatre!
Kinder Surprise marriage proposal

Everyone loves a Kinder surprise, but one man gave his girlfriend the ultimate surprise – a proposal hidden inside a Kinder egg! This type of proposal is incredibly sweet and creative. The man in question created a tiny self-assembly man with a picture of his face, complete with instructions for assembly, which showed the figurine down on one knee, holding the diamond ring, which he had also stashed inside the egg. Of course, when he himself got down on one knee and asked her to marry him, how could she help but say yes!
Inspired by the fact the couple used to buy each other Kinder eggs as a treat, this man came up with a really special idea for his proposal; but you can do the same with your own ideas. Thinking about things that are meaningful to your relationship is a great way to build your own proposal!
Infographic proposal – The graphic designers marriage proposal

Whether you work in marketing, are passionate about design or nuts about numbers, channelling your love via an infographic proposal is the perfect 21st century way to pop the question!
Drake Martinet, an online editor and journalism lecturer, used an infographic to propose to his now-wife Stacy, who also works in marketing. His adorable infographic set out to prove why his girlfriend was his soul mate, and just why that’s such a miraculous and rare thing.
If you’re the logical type, and you’re into quirky facts and figures, an infographic proposal is the perfect way to ask her to marry you – not only does it express the uniqueness of your relationship, it also injects some of your personality into your proposal!