Proposing while on an adventure is a fantastic way to create a memorable marriage proposal. Your adrenaline is pumping, you’re having a great time and then you pop the question – what could be more perfect?
You could climb to the summit of a mountain in Peru, propose whilst paintballing, declare your love skydiving or even consider an underwater proposal. White water rafting, caving and even rock climbing are all great ideas for an adrenaline-fuelled proposal, but if you’re proposing whilst scaling a rock face, make sure she’s on solid ground before you spring such a big surprise on her!
Provided your other half is as into the outdoors as you are, there’s no reason why you can’t create a special, personalised marriage proposal. Pick an activity which means something to the two of you; something you enjoy doing together or something you know she has always wanted to do.
Tough Mudder marriage proposal

Did you know that 99.6% of Tough Mudder marriage proposals are successful? Perhaps there’s just something universally appealing about being proposed to after completing the toughest obstacle course on the planet.
If you’ve made it through one of the toughest events together (cheering each other on as you go), then marriage should seem like a walk in the park; you’ll be ready to take on any obstacles life is prepared to throw at you.
But don’t tell your other half this; show her how you really feel with a grand gesture as you cross the finish line and receive your Tough Mudder headbands. Get down on one knee and prepare to pop the question in front of stunned spectators including family and friends. The adrenaline will be pumping for both of you and she can’t help but say yes; we recommend saving the ring for later, once you’re mud-free!
Skydiving marriage proposal

Granted, it might be one of the more extreme ways to declare your love, but proposing whilst skydiving is a great way to create a memorable day! It might cost more than your average proposal and there’s the potential for embarrassment if it all goes wrong, but what is a grand gesture without that risk?
Planning is key with any skydiving proposal – even though it should appear spontaneous to your other half, you’ll need to put a few weeks’ organisation into making sure everything runs smoothly. Invite friends and family along with bottles of champagne and banners to celebrate the event; you’ll see them as you get closer to the ground! You could propose just before the jump, or jump first and be waiting with the ring when they land. The very brave might want to propose as you’re falling through the air; but save the ring for when you’re back on solid ground!
Zero-Gravity marriage proposal

A zero-gravity proposal is definitely an out-of-this-world way to propose, although sadly it might be out of reach for many of us here on earth. However, if you do get the chance to propose at zero-gravity (maybe you work for NASA?) we recommend you seize the opportunity!
Graciela Asturias’ partner did just that when he popped the question whilst floating in the cabin of a specially designed Boeing 727. The plane is designed to create a near zero-gravity experience, flying up and down between 24,000 and 35,000 feet, creating pockets of micro-gravity that last for between 4 and 5 minutes.
Just one word of warning for you – if you try out a zero-gravity proposal, make sure the ring doesn’t float away! Graciela’s boyfriend’s amazing proposal ended with a resounding ‘Yes!’ and if you make the effort to create such a breath-taking proposal you’re sure to get the same answer.
Path to Love marriage proposal

If your partner loves the great outdoors, there’s little more exciting than proposing on a hike. Ideally, you should make sure it’s on a spectacular trail rather than one which circles your local park! National Geographic have lists of the world’s most spectacular hiking routes, although one of the most stunning places to propose has to be at Macchu Pichu in Peru. Can you imagine her face as you drop to one knee with the Incan ruins behind you, pulling the ring from your pocket and asking her to marry you?
Another great spot for a hiking proposal is the Great Wall in China. During peak season, throngs of tourists will be here, so try to set off on your hike earlier in the day. Popping the question with some of the most spectacular scenery in the world surrounding you will make the day something neither of you will ever forget!
Under the Sea marriage proposal

Think of proposals taking place underwater and you probably have images of the Little Mermaid, singing sealife and an orchestral soundtrack. Of course, in real life it doesn’t actually happen that way, but an underwater proposal is still something pretty spectacular! The most popular way to propose underwater is using a sign placed on the sea bed, or spell out your message using lights, shells or plants. Locations renowned for diving such as Bali are a great choice, and you’ll probably need the assistance of a local diving school, who can photograph or video your special proposal.
If the idea of popping the question whilst wearing a scuba mask doesn’t appeal, why not head down to an underwater hotel? Jules Undersea Lodge in Florida is the perfect place to propose and is the world’s only underwater hotel. You can enjoy a romantic dinner and an overnight stay under the sea!
Proposal on the High Seas

A sailing adventure on the high seas sound like something from a historical novel filled with pirates and smugglers; but it can be a great idea for your wedding proposal! Proposing on a two-person sailing adventure is not only intimate and romantic, it’s also imaginative and unique; definitely something she won’t expect.
Whether you’re experienced at sailing or hire a boat to take the two of you out to sea, the romance of taking to the water will soon take over and you’ll lose any nerves you have about proposing. It’s up to you whether you organise a sailing adventure abroad or in the UK – the Greek Isles are a great spot for cruising in your own boat and you can dock at any number of pretty coves for a beach proposal. Or enjoy a candlelit meal aboard your very own boat here in Blighty for a romantic proposal that will shiver her timbers!