Engagement Ring Learning Jewellery

Love Stories; four couples, one shared love of jewellery

Love Stories; four couples, one shared love of jewellery

Jewellery isn’t just about its beauty. It’s about what it represents: the love, commitment, and memories shared. It becomes a tangible piece of your relationship, and a token of your love. Four real-life couples share their love stories, revealing what makes their relationship one-of-a-kind, and how jewellery can play a meaningful role in life’s most significant moments. 

Jewellery has always been a classic gift of choice for couples. Whether it be a bracelet for a special birthday, a meaningful, personalised anniversary piece, or even the all-important engagement and wedding ring, jewellery plays a special role in relationships daily, all over the world.  

Here, we explore the link between a relationships’ journey, and the jewellery that marks its significant milestones. Meet four couples – Kara and Tom, Chris and Joe, Sofia and Max, and Rachel and Sam – and discover their unique love stories. We also chat to two professionals in the wedding industry – a proposal and wedding planner – to get their take on it.


Kara & Tom

How did they meet? 

They met during a last-ditch attempt at dating apps – and hit it off instantly. They both agree that on their first date, it felt like they’d known each other a long time – and they’ve been inseparable ever since.  

How has jewellery played a special role in their relationship? 

Kara and Tom love the tangibility of jewellery, especially ethically mined diamonds, saying “What I love about jewellery is that it is a piece of the earth. It has its own vibration, it’s a living thing”.  

Kara’s birthstone is a diamond, so it’s extra special to her. She says; “There’s something special about diamonds… it’s the strongest stone and it lasts forever. My birthstone’s a diamond, it’s such a special stone – so many people identify with it, and it represents love”.

To Kara and Tom, being gifted jewellery is more than just about the physical item. Kara says, “Being gifted a piece of jewellery feels like a commitment – it feels like ‘I’m here with you, you’re special to me, and I’ve got your back’”.

Sam & Rachel

How did they meet? 

They met on Instagram – and haven’t spent any time apart ever since. They both say they’ve never gotten along with someone else so well. 

How has jewellery played a special role in their relationship? 

For Rachel, jewellery is always her gift of choice. “Jewellery is always my go to gift, whenever he asks, ‘I don’t know what to get you’ for Christmas or a birthday or something, it’s my number one response – jewellery, you can’t go wrong with it!” she says. 

“Any jewellery – especially if it’s gifted – there’s a sentimental value there, because you look at it, you wear it, and you remember that moment when you received it, how you felt and just kind of that surprise, and the love for that person”.

But it’s not just about the sentimental value, especially with fine diamond jewellery, for Rachel it’s about the uniqueness of the stone. “I love having something unique as well, especially with diamonds, it’s knowing that no one else has that exact one”.

For Sam and Rachel, the real value of jewellery lies in its ability to become an heirloom, especially meaningful pieces; “With the engagement ring, obviously you should wear that forever – I think that’s such a special piece that carries memories with it”.

“I’ve always loved the idea of having a family heirloom that’s passed down for different generations – I think that’s something special that we’ll start doing with my engagement ring”.

Sofia & Max 

How did they meet? 

They met at a party – afterwards, Max messaged Sofia on Twitter, and Sofia played it very cool (in her own words, jumping around like a crazy person, and messaging back immediately).

How has jewellery played a special role in their relationship? 

For Sofia, fine jewellery is about quality. It’s about being gifted something you can keep forever, and pass down; “I just love sparkle – Max always calls me a magpie. Fine jewellery is my preference, having things that are gonna stand the test of time”.

Sofia also speaks of the cultural significance of fine jewellery, adding “in Asian cultures, jewellery is such a sentimental, beautiful gift to pass down from your mum, your grandma, so I’ve always received beautiful pieces to wear from my family, and they’ve always meant so much to me”.

For Max, he loves to buy Sofia jewellery gifts for the lasting memories; “I like to gift you jewellery, not only to see the look on your face when you open it, I like to think that when you’re wearing it or take it out of your jewellery box, that you think of that time when I gifted it to you, that you think of the memories of us and that that piece holds”.

Chris & Joe

How did they meet? 

Due to wed in Portugal in a 14th Century castle in September 2020, their plans were unfortunately thwarted by Covid. However, new wedding plans are on the horizon – their dream is to move abroad, so a sunny, destination wedding is definitely on the cards. 

How has jewellery played a special role in their relationship? 

For Chris and Joe, jewellery plays a special part in their date night outfits, as well as their daily wear, “I always feel that my outfit isn’t quite complete if I’ve not got a necklace or a ring, or some earrings on”. 

It’s about how jewellery makes you feel rather than how you look. They add; “Even if you’re just in your casual clothes – put on some jewellery and you feel a bit more elevated”.


Charlotte – the proposal planner

What does Charlotte do? 

Charlotte is a proposal planner, who began her career after her now-husband proposed to her nearly five years ago. Here, she shares her wisdom about creating a perfect proposal, and how jewellery plays a key role in the special moment. 

How does jewellery play a role in Charlotte’s job? 

About proposing, Charlotte thinks the most important elements come from the personalisation; “I think the key is always to think about those little things that make your partner happy, choosing flowers that I like, if you’ve been to a concert together is there an artist that you both really like?”. And of course, the biggest factor is how to pull of the surprise, she adds; “You want them to not suspect anything… and when you see that surprise, that’s the moment everyone wants for the proposal”. 

When it comes to the ring, Charlotte stresses the importance of knowing your partner; “The conversation of the engagement ring comes up in proposal planning… does your partner like princess cuts? Or do they like oval shape? What kind of jewellery do they normally wear?” 

“It’s the feeling of ‘that person really knows me’, that in itself is quite warming to me”.

Her own engagement ring was personalised by her now-husband. “When he got me my engagement ring, he added his birthstone into my engagement band, and it had a little engraving inside – that’s really cute, it makes it a little bit more personal as well”.

Lauren – the wedding planner

What does Lauren do? 

Lauren is a wedding planner, who has a keen eye for both wedding and proposal details. For Lauren, her work is personal; “This is really cheesy but I’m going to say it anyway, I love love. I genuinely love love. I still cry at all my clients’ weddings – I love it”.  

How does jewellery play a role in Charlotte’s job? 

Although Lauren deals with the weddings rather than the proposals, she still has a wealth of knowledge about how jewellery plays a part in both scenarios. Of choosing the perfect ring, she says, “Do your homework. Try and check their size, you have to do your research. Be looking at the type of jewellery they wear already, don’t randomly go and get white gold when they wear yellow gold! Whether they want a solitaire, or something really dainty – are they somebody who wears real statement pieces? Or are they someone who wears really small, elegant, simple pieces?”  

For Lauren, the jewellery (or the special ring) is all about the moment it represents. “I think jewellery is usually related to sentiment, it’s those little special moments, it’s usually from somebody that you love – that’s why being gifted jewellery is lovely”, she says. 

“Your engagement ring holds massive memories, your wedding ring holds massive memories – and if you’re lucky enough to have an eternity ring (I’m still waiting for an eternity ring!) that holds memories, as well”.

Looking to find your dream piece?

Whether you’re looking to self-gift a future heirloom, or surprise your partner with that perfect piece, discover our timeless jewellery collections, here. And if you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to get in touch with our friendly personal shoppers, who will help you find your dream piece.